In my last post, we built whole disk images for embedded systems using Nix. This approach is well suited for RISC-V or ARM systems, but you probably don’t have a powerful build box for this architecture. You wouldn’t want to build a Linux kernel for hours on a RISC-V single-board computer praying that you don’t run out of RAM…

In this blog post, we will use the same NixOS configuration to cross-compile system images for x86, RISC-V and ARM from our powerful x86 build server.

Let’s go over some theory first and then look at how this applies to our flake from the previous post. A complete example lives in here. For the version that was current when this blog post was written, check out the blog-post-2 tag.

Cross-Compiling NixOS

nixpkgs has excellent cross-compilation support. There are also excellent resources for cross-compiling individual packages. Cross-compiling whole systems is even easier, but not as well documented. There are two main ways to configure it. For a deeper discussion, check out this post.

Approach 1: nixpkgs.buildPlatform/hostPlatform

The first approach is to configure the build and host system in the NixOS configuration. The terminology that NixOS uses is:

  • buildPlatform for configuring what kind of system does the actual build,
  • hostPlatform for configuring what kind of system the resulting binaries should run on.

For me, the name hostPlatform is somewhat ambiguous, but these are the names we are stuck with.

To configure a NixOS configuration for cross-compiling, you can use a module like this:

{ ... }: {
  nixpkgs.buildPlatform = "x86_64-linux";
  nixpkgs.hostPlatform = "riscv64-linux";

Approach 2: Build pkgs Yourself

The second approach is to build a cross-compiling pkgs set yourself and then just use this for your NixOS configuration. Assuming nixpkgs is the nixpkgs flake input, you can create it like this:

  # Let's stick to the terminology from earlier.
  buildPlatform = "x86_64-linux";
  hostPlatform = "riscv64-linux";

  crossPkgs = import nixpkgs { localSystem = buildPlatform; crossSystem = hostPlatform; }

  # ...

As you can see, we re-evaluate nixpkgs with parameters that enable cross-compilation. The challenge is mostly the changed terminology 🫠. localSystem is the system to build on and crossSystem is the system where the final system needs to run.

The resulting crossPkgs can then be used to configure cross-compilation in the NixOS configuration:

{ ... }: {
  nixpkgs.pkgs = crossPkgs;

You cannot mix these approaches. If you set nixpkgs.pkgs, buildPlatform and hostPlatform will be ignored.

Flakes and Cross-Compilation

To always cross-compile from your local system, you can set buildPlatform to builtins.currentSystem. This doesn’t work with flakes, because they don’t allow you to call builtins.currentSystem. It would leak details of the build platform into the flake outputs. The flake would not be fully encapsulated and thus impure. This is one reason why flakes have a bad reputation when it comes to cross-compilation.

Despite the misgivings, cross-compiling with flakes works great. It’s just that the flake has to be prepared for cross-compilation. Let’s go through that for the immutable appliance example.

When I wrote the example, I aimed for the following outputs for the flake:

├───riscv64-linux             # Cross-compiled
│   ├───appliance_17_image
│   ├───appliance_17_update
│   ├───appliance_18_image
│   └───appliance_18_update
└───aarch64-linux             # Cross-compiled
│   └ ...

As you see, each version of our example appliance produces one install disk image and one update package for systemd-sysupdate (see the last post for how this is used).

To build all these images from x86, we only need to apply our theoretical knowledge from above to define crossNixos as a convenience wrapper to add the cross-compilation module to an existing NixOS configuration:

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }:
      # The platform we want to build on. This should ideally be configurable.
      buildPlatform = "x86_64-linux";
    (flake-utils.lib.eachSystem [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"
                                  "riscv64-linux" ]
          # We treat everything as cross-compilation without a special
          # case for the build platform. Nixpkgs will do the right thing.
          crossPkgs = import "${nixpkgs}" { localSystem = buildPlatform;
                                            crossSystem = system; };

        # A convenience wrapper around lib.nixosSystem that configures
        # cross-compilation.
        crossNixos = module: nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          modules = [

              nixpkgs.pkgs = crossPkgs;

      in {
        # ...

With this out of the way, we can then define a NixOS configuration that is cross-compiled for all our target architectures like this:

        appliance_18 = crossNixos {
          imports = [

Note that we can use the same configuration to generate system images for x86, RISC-V, and ARM and we build all of them on our beefy x86 build boxes! 🤯

It’s a nice exercise to make the build platform configurable. Check out nix-systems as a starting point.

Running the Images

If you are in the development shell, you can run the cross-compiled images in Qemu:

# uname -m

# Enter the development shell that provides the qemu-efi convenience tool.
$ nix develop

# Build the disk image for version 17 of the appliance.
$ nix -L build .\#packages.riscv64-linux.appliance_17_image

# Run the disk image as a VM.
$ qemu-efi riscv64 result/disk.qcow2
<<< Welcome to ApplianceOS 24.11.20240906.574d1ea (riscv64) - ttyS0 >>>

applianceos login: root (automatic login)

root@applianceos (version 17) $ uname -m

By the way, if you want to know how to run a RISC-V UEFI VM with Qemu, check the qemu-efi script.

Parting Words

If you have comments or suggestions about this style of cross-compilation with Nix, please reach out. I’m eager to hear them!